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Syntegon Packaging Solutions B.V. (formerly Bosch Packaging) is a leading provider of processing and packaging technology in the food and pharmaceutical industries worldwide.



Time taken to prepare performance management reports takes resources off projects


Labour-intensive to prepare regular KPI reports for performance management and ensure project charters are up-to-date.

Root Cause

Project charters and performance scorecards were managed in spreadsheets maintained separately by each group.

Software evaluation

i-nexus was evaluated against several policy deployment and performance management solutions. i-nexus was selected based on its robust performance management capabilities and ability to support Syntegon’s exact policy deployment process and philosophy..
“It took significant time and effort to combine and reconcile our KPI spreadsheets across different product groups in order to report performance. That time would be better spent contributing directly to our improvement projects.”
Robert Kroon, Global Change Agent, Strategic Projects, Deployment and Performance, Syntegon Packaging Solutions BV